Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Keep Track of your Harvest

It’s up to you how much info you want to organize but it’s important to track your harvest so you always know what stage you’re at and if your plants are moving along properly.

Here are some things I like to keep track of:
FREEZE DATE plays a big impact on knowing when you can plant straight to your soil and your warmer crops can survive the night
WHEN can this plant survive outside
how many weeks can this seed start INDOORS before it has to be planted outside
how many SEEDS you’ll need per plant to get started (listed on BACK OF SEED PACKET)
How many Inches Apart the seeds must be planted
Determining factors for THINNING (how tall must the seedlings be or how many you should thin down too) **thinning is important, if you don’t thin your plants they will be too crowded and the roots will starve as to many will need feeding**
How many INCHES APART the seedlings must be after thinning (yes, you may have to dig up your seedling in order to thin, more on this later!)
Estimated DATE OF MATURITY based on your Date Planted and Days to Harvest
TIPS, it never hurts to keep the most helpful hints handy

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