Friday, February 24, 2012


A garden must have at least 8 hours of full sun in order to thrive but that doesn’t mean every plant needs 8 hours of direct sunlight. READ YOUR SEED PACKET!!

Corn will always need full sun no matter what but tomatoes can get sun burnt when starting to harvest if they aren’t growing under their shady leaves- it happened that my tomato leaves weren't as full due to a late transplanting mishap and most fruit stayed green on I know to grow them near my zucchini because those leaves get huge and can help protect the fruit from sun damage

here is a garden in full sun but notice how the plants to
right can help shade plants to the left as the sun rotates

As important sun is, some of your plants may also require some shade. Lettuce is horrible in the heat so I grew them in a 4hr sun/4hr shade location and every morning I had some fresh crisp delicious lettuce to pick- wait a few more hours to pick it in the afternoon and it’s wilted and bitter.

starts the morning off in full shade

plants to the right that need full sun get it right
away and have it for the longest throughout the day

Shade can come from a wooden fence, side of your house, or just other bigger plants where their leaves can do all the afternoon shading (like zucchini, dang those leaves get huge!)
fence shade

house shade

had to throw in a quick pic of huge zucchini leaves,
whatever is behind that will surely be protected!

Soil will also play an important roll!!

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