Friday, February 24, 2012

Type of garden: yes, you can live in an apartment and have a garden too!

First off let me say that SIZE doesn’t matter! Some people think they can’t have gardens because they live in an apartment or don’t have a big backyard. Not true, as long as you have sun and the recommended room for root growth listed on the back of your seed package then anything is possible!

Now that you've figured out your location you need to know how much you want to grow and what type of garden will ft your needs:
·         Containers
·         Raised beds
·         In the ground

If you’ve got the sun then all that’s left is room for roots to grow and luckily you don’t have to dig into the ground to get that. Many flower pots provide more than enough room for many types of vegetable/fruit plants to strive.

Container gardening (or apartment living!):
Container gardening in flower pots is your friend, they allow you to grow what you want because they come in all different sizes (garage sales are great for finding lots of flower pots and not breaking the bank) and you can move them around to better fit their sun/shade needs


I'm not ready to commit to tearing up my yard just yet:
Container gardening in flower pots or wooden boxes is right for you. No tearing up your yard and if you decide you don’t like it, all your grass is still there when you remove your pots and boxes

I'm ready, let’s tear this b***** up!:
You've decided you're in this for the long run and you have the luxury of your own yard, so straight into the ground or raised beds is the option for you. I tore up my grass because I knew the perfect spot and that I would always want this. But even then trying to break up 2 feet of workable soil is a pain in the rear so I only broke up about of foot of soil and went the raised bed route of building up bricks and bought the rest of my garden dirt, mulch, and organic compost

this is my raised bed garden!!

Start small if you’re not sure- nothing is worse than feeling overwhelmed and you blame gardening as to much of a chore instead of your need to overcompensate! Just kidding, I love you!

Soil is also determining factor with garden location. To wet and nothing will grow so don’t choose a place that floods or stays puddle-y hours after a rain.

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